

Parents should contact the parish office to initiate a request for Baptism at least (3) three months prior to the birth of an infant or date of the intended baptism. 

Before a baptism date can be scheduled, all paperwork and requirements must be documented, reviewed, and approved by Fr. Jason.

      Baptism Policy 

As required by the Diocese of Baton Rouge, both parents and godparents / Christian witness must attend a baptism seminar within three years prior to the baptism.

Baptism Seminars are held once a month at St. Joseph. Dates for the seminars are on the back of the baptism Policy brochures, located at both St. Joseph and St. Stephen the Martyr Churches on the rack near the church entries. Parents or godparents may attend a baptism seminar at another parish and submit a confirmation of attendance to satisfy the baptism seminar requirement.         

Click for Baptism Request Packet forms:


 *Baptism sponsors must be confirmed practicing Catholics in good standing with the Catholic Church.      

      *Godparent Eligibility

      *Godparent Understanding and Agreement

      *Christian Witness

For more information or forms, please call the parish office.          

       St.Joseph Office at 225 698-3110          

       St.Stephen Office at 225 698-3110