STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Please see church calendar for dates and times for the Stations of the Cross to be held at both St. Joseph and St. Stephen parishes.
KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS FISH FRY FRIDAYS: Every Friday during Lent with the exception of Good Friday, you can support your churches by driving-thru and grabbing a Fried Fish Meal. Meals are $10 and can be picked up between 4:30-7PM or until the last plate is sold, whichever comes first.
PENENCE SERVICE: Wednesday, April 9, 2025 at 6PM at St. Joseph Catholic Church
PALM SUNDAY EASTER EGG HUNTS: Children up to 3rd grade are invited to participate at the St. Stephen Easter Egg hunt at 2PM. Children up to age 10 years are invited to participate at the St. Joseph Easter Egg Hunt after 8:30AM mass. Bring your baskets.
HOLY WEEK MASS SCHEDULE: Please see the Calendar of Events for details regarding all services during Holy Week leading to Easter Sunday.